Legacy & Estate Planning


Advice for generations to come.

At Hemsley Advisors, we help plan for future generations and causes you believe in. With the right strategy, you can leave a lasting legacy that could change the lives of people you love and others you have yet to meet. 

At Hemsley Advisors, we help you get your affairs in order and plan your estate from gifting to minimizing your estate taxes to ease the burden on your beneficiaries. There’s no better time than the present to help you focus on the future.

A lifetime of financial services.


Life Insurance Analysis

Term or whole life? We will help you choose the right plan and how much you’ll need to protect your family

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Mortgage Calculations

We can crunch the numbers on mortgages at various interest levels and help you decide the terms that are best for your budget.


Estate Planning

We can help you develop an estate plan that helps you minimize state and federal estate taxes so you can efficiently transfer your wealth from one generation to the next.

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Trust Tax Returns

We’re happy to prepare your trust and gift tax returns, as necessary.


Notary Services

With three notaries in the firm, you’re always a stamp away from making things legal.


We’ve done something right when clients refer their family and friends to us.


Let’s get together and work toward growing your financial future.